First Sunday of Lent March 6, 2022

Third Sunday of Lent

Posted : Mar-18-2022

Readings: Exodus 3.1-8a, 13-15, 1Corinthians 10.1-6, 10-12, Luke 13.1-9

An easy and ready comparison can be made between the Biblical concept of repentance and the vernacular word: hard headed. We have all experienced those people in our lives who stubbornly cling to mistaken or flawed thinking that catastrophically led disagreeable outcomes. perhaps you have said similar sentiments. "Do I have to tell you again not to run with scissors?" "We're obviously lost, could you please pull over at the next gas station and ask for directions?" " How many times will we have to replace the lawnmower until you understand the importance of changing and checking the oil regularly?" At the foundation of these inquiries is a sincere desire, on the part of the questioner, to implore a change in short , "Repent".

Jesus employs very strong words in the Gospel today. We are called to repentance. We must break free from our slavery to sins and seek to do good. Jesus is very clear with us: if we do not repent, we shall perish. In the first reading we see Moses' encounter with God at the burning bushy was a pivotal m0oment in salvation history. Although resistant at first, Moses embraced the will of God who reveals Himself, a God who asks us to live for Him and a God who is always faithful in His relationship with us, even when He asks difficult things of us. Sometimes we do not want to change our lives, to repent, and invariably we need reminders.

In the second reading, St. Paul wants us to stay faithful, not to be capricious with God. At no time should we take God's love and bounty for granted, as though we have won salvation and all its rewards and we no longer have any work to do. No. Rather, we must strive every day to l9ive faithfully God's Law while we trust ion God's love for us. No matter what the circumstances, we must be convinced of His love and care for us.

Saint Lukes's Gospel records strong words from Jesus; they are words that reflect the tradition of the Old Testament. God loves us intensely and wants our love in return. He wants us to turn away from sin and to turn to Him. The parable of the Fig Tree is about repentance and mercy. God, in his mercy, gives us ample opportunity to repent and bear fruit. However, if we persist in the refusal of his love, we will indeed perish by our own choice. God does not rejoice in lost souls.

God wants to reclaim our hearts in this time of Lent. When we give our hearts and our whole being to God, good works result in abundance. May this time of Lent draw us deeper into the mystery of God's prsence in our wold and in our personal lives. May we open our hearts to Him and seek Him with our whole heart ad all our being.