Most Holy Trinity

The Most Holy Trinity June 4, 2023

Posted : May-31-2023

Readings: Exodus 34.4b-6,8-9, 2Corinthians 13.11-13, John 3.16-18

In the name of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

When we say that God is Trinity, we are really saying that “God is Relationship.” God, our mighty all-powerful God, does not exist alone. Even God exists with others. Even God, the Holy One of God, lives as relationship. We might even say that God is the Event of Relationship! we need loving relationship, and mutually honoring relationship, more than anything. Maybe we need such relationship because we are living alone. Maybe we need such relationship because our households have become impatient and angry. Whatever God-given race we are, living in relationship means being able, and willing, to learn from people who are different from us.

The Holy Trinity of God does need each other. God needs the incarnation of the Son on earth. The Son needs the power of Holy Spirit. The various people of God, of all races and nations, need one another for completeness, just as God the Father needs the Son who needs the Spirit. We are incomplete without each other, just as God is incomplete if God is not the Trinity. So, that’s why this Sunday, Trinity Sunday, in the church year is so important. This Sunday is our attempt to do the impossible, to try to make sense about God. We try to say something definitive and descriptive about a God who is above absolute definition and comprehension.

Fr. Terry.