SD Nativity 2024

Solemnity of Epiphany January 5, 2025

Posted : Jan-02-2025

Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6  Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6 Matthew 2:1-12

On the Solemnity of Epiphany, the Church calls us to contemplate and to celebrate the mystery and significance of the birth of Jesus the Saviour. Like the wise men, each of us has a journey to make to Jesus because none of us is yet fully converted and each of us has corners in our hearts and lives in need of Jesus’ healing and redemption. But are we like the wise men relying on the grace of God to lead us to the light of Jesus our Saviour?

If Christmas is all about God coming to us to seek us out, then Epiphany is all about our seeking out the God who has come among us. The Wise Men offer us great wisdom. They give us a gift that is priceless. After finding Christ they went home by another route. We too should go by another route this year, different from the path we followed last year.

As the Magi never went back to Herod who asked them to return, we must also, never go back to those sins asking us to return. Let us make New Year resolutions that are realistic. Let us identify the Herod in our lives and never return to it. It could be a life of immorality; it could be hatred and jealousy, anger, irresponsibility, etc. What is your resolve? How have you decided to meet Christ?

Therefore, as we begin this New Year, let us turn a new leaf and let men know that we really encountered Christ at Christmas. So that as the Magi went home rejoicing, the joy of Christ’s birth may always abide with us. And we too shall become stars for others, because there are so many people looking for direction to Christ in our worlds today and we are called to be that light that would lead them, a reflection of that light which Christ caused to shine upon us. Amen.

                                                                              Fr. Terry.