Easter 2023


Posted : May-12-2023

Readings: Acts 8.5-8,14-17, 1Peter 3.15-18, John 14.15-21

In this Sunday’s episode, we have a sense of the seriousness of this crisis and the politics of the early Church. On the one hand, there were those who wanted to protect the traditions concerning what it meant to be a believer. To them, the law of food and circumcision was fundamental to being in covenant with God. They had the majority on their side since the movement was still a Jewish affair.

Then on the other hand, there were others led by Paul who pushed the boundaries of Christianity. They challenged their fellow believers to a new understanding of what it meant to be in covenant with God. In the end, it was the collective and purposeful discernment through the Council of Jerusalem that catalysed the Church into a new era. The Christian movement would have been an irrelevant Jewish sect if it had responded to changes with fear and timidity.

In the Gospel, Jesus speaks to the disciples in anticipation of his departure. He reassures them that this should not be cause for anxiety. Instead, they should be glad because the Father will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to guide them and lead them into the fullness of life, truth and love. Jesus calls us as he did his disciples to break loose from our comfort and security, from self-interested and enclosed living to a life open to the kingdom vision of integrity, solidarity and justice for all.

In him, we meet the God who pushes the boundaries of acceptance and love. In him, we are challenged to let go of our certitudes and securities, the habits, the routines, the patterns of behavior that are no longer relevant and life-affirming. It was this call to deeper truth and justice that guided the early Church to grow beyond its Jewish confines. We must be likewise guided to respond to our own needs and changes today.

 Fr. Terry

A Blessing For Mothers

May the God of our mother Sarah

be your fountain of life to bless + you

and give you health and happiness,

so that you may be a blessing to your family

and to all who are in your care.

May Jesus, the Son of Mary, be your Protector

to give you strength and health and peace,

so that you may be a refuge and haven for your family.

May the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life,

shield you from all the powers of darkness

and give you joy in being a mother to your children.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.