Easter Altar 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Posted : May-20-2022

Readings: Acts 15.1-2, 22-29, Revelation 21.10-14, 22-23, John 14.23-29

In the first line in today's Gospel, Jesus says that if we love him, then we will keep his word. That may be a tall order, since keeping our own word is hard enough. Today's Gospel challenges us to do more than give a quick response-keeping our word is a lifetime action. The Gospel also reminds us that if we do keep Jesus' word, then the Father will love us and dwell within us.

Jesus wanted to make provision for his follower's so that when he was lifted up- first in suffering and then in glory-they would be able to continue him ministry. Peace and the Advocate were the provisions Jesus made. In the lengthy last conversation of the fourth Gospel the Evangelist John has ably described Jesus' gifts of peace and the Spirit in a manner that continues to teach and encourage believers. Peace or Shalom was that traditional greeting our Jewish ancestors used to with one another well. The greeting 'Shalom' has a ring of yearning for another, all that is necessary for their fulfilment in life. It is no0t merely the cessation of war or even a temporary truce, but rather a prayer that the very presence of God would reign in the human heart. Shalom or peace began to be associated with the era of the long-awaited Messiah, suffering , death and glory; the era of salvation had arrived. St. Paul in his letter ti the Ephesians, while celebrating what Jesus accomplished, declares him to be our peace.

Like the gift of peace, John assigns the title Advocate (one who pleads for another) as Jesus' gift of the Spirit. The Advocate is Jesus' abiding gift toe his Church. This spirit would be sent by the Father in Jesus' name, just as Jesus himself was sent by the Father. This advocate would continue to be the abiding presence of the Risen Christ with his disciples. Just as Jesus guided his won in the truth, so would the Advocate continue the education of Jesus' followers. He would also remind them of all that Jesus has said. We as Jesus' disciples in the world are counselled to witness, to listen and serve.