Holy Trinity Sunday


Posted : Jun-10-2022

Holy Trinity Sunday

Readings: Prov 8,22-33, Romans 5, 1-5, John 16, 12-15

Today is Holy Trinity Sunday. The term "Trinity" itself is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. However, Christ instructed us: " Go into the world and baptize them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son,  and of the Holy Spirit". Hence, the Church teaches us that: "The divine Persons are relative to one another...the real distinction of the persons from one another resides solely in the relationships which relate them to one another.. because of that unity, the Father is wholly in the Son, and Wholly in the Holy Spirit.." (CCC255).

There are many lessons to learn from today's solemnity. These includes that we must learn to remain united in faith. Today's celebration also reminds us that, although we are called to be united each one of us unique. This s is expressed in the different modes of spirituality which exists in the Church. In spite of these we are still united in the pursuit of God's kingdom. So, none should be deprived of his uniqueness. Therefore, as one united, "but not uniform people," we must continue to work for the progress of God's kingdom.

Furthermore, just as each of the three divine persons, must not be selfish or work for our personal gratifications. No ,member of the Trinity oppresses of takes advantage of the other. So, we must avoid manipulating, oppressing or suppressing other members of our families, communities and church. WE should learn to live in harmony with one another in spite o9f our individual differences and uniqueness. We must avoid treating other members unjustly as if they are not important or do not belong to the same family or community of God.

We can live harmoniously together in this big family and universal church of Christ without bursting the ego of others, or robbing them of their dignity and uniqueness. For us as humans, conflicts are inevitable. However, when we confront them prayerfully as a united family, they help to strengthen our unity. So, if we remain united we cannot resolve our conflicts through hatreds, gossips, and unjust criticisms of one another.

Finally, today we must learn from the three divine persons how to love and respect one another. This also means, complimenting and appreciating the efforts of one another. If we live in harmony as the Most Holy 'Trintiy, then: "The greatness' oft the name of the Lord will be made known through all the earth".