St. Dominics Church Altar Ordinary Time

Eight Sunday In Ordinary Time

Posted : Feb-25-2022

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 27, 2022

Readings: Sirach 27:4-7, 1Corinthians 15.54-58, Luke 6.39-45

Today the church reminds us of the virtues and qualities that should characterize our lives as Christians. She reminds us that while physical appearance could be deceptive, what really determines who we are is what comes from within us. This includes, the quality of our words, the wisdom and the goodness that we manifest. So, our first reading is a call to be very careful in evaluating people based on their appearances rather than on the wisdom that comes from them. The wisdom, good counsel and sincerity that comes from the word of a Christian is what sets him apart. It makes him: "A man, in whom there is no guile or deceit".  Not only our words, but our actions as Christian must edify, improve and encourage others. So, today we must ask ourselves: Does my words edify or make any positive difference on others? Does it build up, or destroy the community?

In today's Gospel Jesus also teaches us that the quality of our heart determines the quality o our words and actions. he says: "A good person out of the sore of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person our of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouthy speaks." As Christians, if we live according to the food news, definitely, our actions and words would be guided by it. Consequently, it will affect others positively. On the contrary, if we full our hearts with flirt, also, our actions and words would be filled with nothingness.

Also, Christ warns us today to be careful in judging others. Rather, we should be humble enough to look inwards before criticizing others. Hence, Paulo reminds us, "If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall." In the second reading, Paul reminds us that God has given us victory through Christ. For this reason, we must be of good cheers and never relent in doing good. Christ's victory must not in vain. Rather, it must sustain us in good actions as Paul tells us today: "Keep laboring at the Lord's work always, knowing that, in the Lord you cannot be laboring in vain. This is a call to perfection in all we say and do.

Finally, today let our hearts are filled with joy for what God has down for us through Christ. Through Him, we are filled with goodness so that we can praise and thank God with a cheerful and sincere heart. Indeed, it is good to give thanks to the Lord foe what he has done for us.