Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday April 16, 2023

Posted : Apr-12-2023

Today’s Gospel vividly reminds us of how Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a sacrament of Divine Mercy.  The Risen Lord gave his apostles the power to forgive sins with the words, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them. (Jn. 20: 19-23).  Forgiveness is the greatest expression of mercy.

Saint Faustina was an apostle of Divine Mercy, and she lived here on earth only for 33 years as Jesus himself lived only for 33 years.   Lord Jesus assigned to St. Faustina three basic tasks: 1st, to pray for souls, entrusting them to God’s incomprehensible Mercy;  2nd, to tell the world about God’s generous Mercy; and 3rd, to start a new movement in the Church focusing on God’s Mercy.   Through her, Lord Jesus communicates to the whole world the great message of God’s mercy and reveals the pattern of Christian perfection, based on trust in God, and on the attitude of mercy toward one’s neighbors.

She wrote in her spiritual diary titled “Divine Mercy in My Soul”:  “O my Jesus, each of Your servants reflects one of Your virtues; I desire to reflect Your compassionate heart, full of mercy; I want to glorify it.  Let Your mercy, O Jesus, be impressed upon my heart and soul like a seal, and this will be my badge in this and in the future life.”   Sr. Faustina heard Jesus saying to her:  “Today I am sending you with My mercy to the people of the whole world. I do not want to punish the aching mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.”  These words become very relevant today as the whole world is aching with war and deadly deseases.  As Jesus told St. Faustina, Jesus is telling everyone of us: “I do not want to punish the aching (the suffering) mankind, but I desire to heal it, pressing it to My Merciful Heart.”

Let us pray to our Lord, on this Divine Mercy Sunday: Lord forgive us of all our sins and punishment, show your mercy for even the most hardened sinners and teach us to forgive others and to excel in actions of mercy and compassion.  Lord give us your grace to live your command: “Be merciful, just as your Father in heaven is merciful.”

                                                                                                             Fr. Terry