Altar Ordinary Time Colours

Christ the King November 26, 2023

Posted : Nov-23-2023

Readings: Ezekiel 34.11-12,15-17,1Corinthians 15.20-26,28, Mathew 25.31-46

The Solemnity of Christ the King, which every Catholic throughout the entire world is celebrating today, is a new thing.  The Church has existed for almost 2000 years, but this Solemnity is less than 100 years old.  It was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925. 

One of the main themes of Pope Pius XI's encyclical is the link between private and public life.  He stresses that Christ truly is the King of the Universe, that he will reign forever, and that the Church on earth is the beginning of his Kingdom.  It is not enough, therefore, for Christians to hold onto their faith just in their private lives.  We must bring Christ and Christian values into culture, politics, and every sphere of society.  If we truly believe in Christ, why would we be afraid of defending and spreading Christian values?  Why would we let ourselves be bullied by secular fundamentalists who try to exclude Christ from culture?

Being followers of Christ the King, as we are, doesn't mean that we should force people into the Church.  That is not Christ's method, and so it should not be ours. As St. Pope John Paul II said more than once, the Church does not intolerantly impose its beliefs, she proposes them. But we must be courageous in making that proposal.  We are ambassadors of Christ the King. We represent him to the world.  Through us, his wisdom enlightens culture.  Through us, his grace reaches into every corner of the human community and heals it of selfishness, greed, and injustice. let's renew our faith in this great and eternal King, and let's renew our commitment to spread his Kingdom.

                                                                                                           Fr. Terry.