Easter Altar 2022

Ascension of the Lord

Posted : May-27-2022

Readings: Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:7-23, Luke 24:46-53

We celebrate the Lord’s ascension, taking place forty days after the Resurrection. We recount with joy the day Christ completed His earthly mission , His Father’s work and returned to the father to reign in majesty and to be the judge of the living and the dead. We may ask how do I feel Christ’s obedience unto death, how does it touch me, and what role do I play in the mystery being celebrated on Ascension of the Lord? What is being asked of me as a follower of Christ?

In the celebration of the Lord’s Ascension we rejoice greatly for the assurance that future glory is realized in Jesus Christ and offered to the human race. This gift encourages us to desire deeply and always the glory of heaven. We wish to go to heaven where Christ has gone. The apostles are asked by the angels , “ Why are you gazing in astonishment at the sky? Just as you have seen Him ascend into heaven, so, in like manner, shall He return “

In the meantime, we are asked to put our hands to work and our hearts to God, doing the will of God in preparation for the return of our saviour at our death and at Christ’s second coming in glory at the end of time.

The sacrament of Eucharist is the source of strength for those who witness to Christ. We celebrate the Eucharist to dispose ourselves more completely to all that God has in store for those whom God loves and who love God. We ideally gather in a place of worship, where we ponder God’s mercy, learning how the suffering of Christ becomes a way to glory. Where Christ has gone we hope to follow. Each liturgical action is meant to lift us up further in joy and wonder for everything God has accomplished on our behalf in Jesus Christ.

The risen and ascended Christ now reigns over creation, enabling the followers of Jesus to use their spiritual gifts for building up the body of Christ, the Church. The Ascension is linked to the Church’s mission in all ages and is part of the dynamism that makes Christ known from generation to generation, to the ends of the earth. May we never cease to thank God for bestowing such great gift s upon us individually and as a church.


We are convinced that the Lord Jesus will co again in glory. Christ’s fullness fills the universe already and God distributes the wealth of a glorious heritage and the immeasurable scope of divine power to all who believe.