Easter 2023

3rd Sunday of Easter April 23, 2023

Posted : Apr-19-2023

Readings: Acts 2.14,22b-28, 1Peter 1.17-21, Luke 24.13-35

As Jesus interpreted to them the things about himself in all the Scriptures their hearts burning within themselves.  The Scriptures is where we find meaning for all human suffering. When we struggle in finding the meaning of our own pain and loss, we should reflect and meditate on the Scriptures again and again. Christians do not only read the whole Bible one time and then put it back on the bookshelves. But, in whatever we do, we have to remember the Bible. Whenever we make our own decisions, we have to reflect on the Bible.  I believe the Word of God really gives Christians the hope they need when they deal with their human weaknesses.

The two disciples’ eyes were opened when, at the dinner table, Jesus broke the bread, said the blessing and gave it to them. This action reminded them that, in the past, Jesus fed the hungry crowd with five loaves and two fish. So, they never forget what Jesus did when He was still with them on earth. Their eyes were opened and they recognized who was with them all day on the road. They remembered what Jesus taught them on the road. So, “remember” is the theme of this Sunday's Gospel. Do you remember how Jesus healed you in the past? Do you remember how you met Jesus in the Sacrament of Baptism, Confession, and the Holy Eucharist? Most importantly, do you remember who you were before you met Jesus, and who are you now after you have met Jesus and believe in Him? Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Jesus’ disciples cannot grow in faith if we do not remember Him !

Fr. Terry