Altar Ordinary Time Colours

32nd Sunday Ordinary Time November 12, 2023

Posted : Nov-08-2023

Readings: Wisdom 6:12-16, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Matthew 25:1-13

The Book of Wisdom tells us that we must love and seek wisdom if we are ever going to live in wisdom.. One of the aspects of wisdom is that we should learn from our mistakes. If the same person is making the same mistake over and over and over, something really is not right. Wisdom does not imply that we will never make mistakes but it does insist that we learn from our mistakes as well as from the things that turn out right.

The First Letter to the Thessalonians tells us about the end times that are coming. What will happen when the world ends—we should not be surprised. This topic is fascinating for lots of people. For us who follow the Lord Jesus, however, we should simply follow the example of Saint Paul and that of our Lord Himself: we don’t know the day or the hour and we do not know how it will all happen. We should not get caught up in trying to find the day and the hour, but should live now in Christ with total confidence that we will be with Him forever. This being with the Lord forever is the consolation and the incredible gift of life eternal.

Saint Matthew’s Gospel today has the story of the wise and the foolish. The wise come prepared and the foolish don’t think ahead. We are invited to reflect on this story and gain wisdom from it. At least part of the wisdom to be gained is that we can die at any moment and we should be ready to meet the Lord right now if this is when He calls us. Probably it is not going to happen right now, but it could. This Gospel is not trying to scare us, but simply reminding us that this life is not all that there is. There is another life and it is for that life that we live this life. God wants us freely to choose Him and that is why He has created us. We can choose against Him. Or we can just choose to ignore Him, which is probably more common today.

Our spiritual lesson of today is this: choose now! Do you believe? Then choose to live like a believer! Do you accept Christ as the Redeemer? If you do, follow His word. 

                                                                                                           Fr. Terry.