Altar Ordinary Time Colours

28th Sunday Ordinary Time October 15, 2023

Posted : Oct-11-2023

Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10, Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20, Matthew 22:1-14 

The Gospel says today, “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” Chosen means called, elected or accepted. When we say “NO”, to an invitation, it would be an insult, shame and embarrassing. To some extent, it’s not generous of us to do so. God’s heart does not exclude anyone, it’s all inclusive, regardless. God’s grace is what saves us. God has chosen and elected all to be included in the Wedding Banquet. In the heart of God, everyone is invited and everyone is welcomed, only few will be responding to the wedding celebration.

Many are called but few are chosen! So, what is our response to God’s invitation? God invites every one of us. We are preoccupied with many things in our lives. Often, we are distracted and disinterested with His invitation, especially in this digital world. When we do not pay attention and disregard God’s invitation, then we are no longer chosen to His banquet. If we take every opportunity to answer to His invitation in faith without looking at our worries and anxieties over what ever, then we find fulfilment of God’s plan in our lives.

Let’s not disregard and be sluggish in taking every opportunity to respond wholeheartedly and faithfully to His invitation. All we need to do is to accept God’s invitation and wear our wedding robes – cloth ourselves with Christ, and we will definitely get into His Kingdom.

Fr. Terry