Altar Ordinary Time Colours

26th Sunday Ordinary Time October 01, 2023

Posted : Oct-04-2023

Readings: Ezekiel 18: 25-28, Ps. 25, Philippians 2: 1-11, Matthew 21: 28-32

Every judgment made is based on the level of knowledge available and the wisdom one has. Often times we judge from the poverty of our knowledge and shallowness of our wisdom. In such predicaments we delude ourselves that we are right while every other person is wrong. This was the situation with the people of Israel of Ezekiel’s time. They thought that old ways determine the present state that is not sustained. But God made them know that he considers our present faithfulness and loyalty and with that he judges. But this is what the people faulted and thought they are right.

God needs out constancy and faithfulness unalloyed and non-tampered and consistent as well. He wants us to keep being on our post. Our old good ways not sustained does not take us anywhere as far as God is concerned. God’s judgment receives a repentant sinner and converts and he takes good care of them. He does not close the door against late comers as seen in the parable of the owner of the vineyard who calls workers at different times.

St Paul advises us not to do anything with selfishness and conceit. We should value what others have in Christ and their gifts than we value ours. We must believe the good things others have and seek the good of others and protect their interest. Humility is a call that should motivate and lead us in all that we do and in seeing others better when they do better.

In the gospel among two sons, one makes empty promise that he could not fulfil while the other refused to do the things he was asked to do but later changed his mind. In life obedience is the best in our relationship with God. It is not oral promise that counts but the ability to changed and be on the path of God is rewarded. We must pray that we make vows and fulfil them, repent and get to the right track and not dwell on what we achieved before that cannot be sustained. We pray that our selfishness will never becloud our vision of true judgment. May we remain at the good state of spiritual life till God meets us, Amen.

Fr. Terry