Altar Ordinary Time Colours

24th Sunday Ordinary Time September 17, 2023

Posted : Sep-13-2023

Readings: Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:1-7, Romans 14:7-9, Mathew 18: 21-35

This contains the story of a man who was very good at begging mercy for himself but was very poor at extending mercy to others. Each one of us needs to be forgiven by God but the Gospel tells us that if God is to forgive us then we have to forgive others. None of us can say that he or she has never been hurt by anybody or has never hurt anyone so apart from receiving forgiveness from God we need to forgive others and we need to ask forgiveness from the people we have hurt. If we don't forgive, we lose the capacity to love.

We need to learn to let go of those things that cause hatred and bitterness in our hearts. As we clean our houses, wash our clothes and utensils we need to do the same in our hearts and minds. The way to destroy enemies is by forgiving them. Once you forgive them then you no longer have enemies. 

My dear brother and sisters to forgive we need a humble spirit.  Once we have forgiven others then God will forgive us also and once God forgives us we become free from the burden of bitterness, revenge, and retaliation. Life is short.  For those who are strong, the Psalmist gives the life span of 80years and for the weak 70years. Why should we spend a little time with bitterness and grudges? Let us forgive now, let us forgive today for we are not in charge of tomorrow