Ordinary Time Altar

22nd Sunday Ordinary Time September 1, 2024

Posted : Aug-30-2024

Readings: Deutronomy 4.1-2,6-8, James 1.17-18, 21-22,27, Mark 7.1-8, 14-15,21-23

The Bible speaks of people being “unclean.” However, we must realize that there are multiple ways of being “unclean.” There is physical uncleanliness. This begins with simply having dirt on our hands. It can also involve germs. We want to wash the germs away so that we do not spread the germs. God wants us to properly wash and sanitize because God wants us to be healthy.

The Pharisees and scribes had made this physical cleaning part of their outward religious practices. However, this is not the uncleanliness that God is most concerned about. God is most concerned about the uncleanliness of our souls, what is on the inside. Here Jesus says, “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person, but the things that come out from within are what defile.

Jesus goes on to provide a list of sins that come from the heart. We need to think about why we commit these sins and what is wrong with them. We are unchaste when we look at another person (or ourselves) as an object for sexual pleasure rather than loving them as a person. Temptation may arise because of something on the outside but the lust arises in the heart. Theft can arise because of greed and envy. In our hearts we want something that is not ours. Murder can arise from anger. The person that is murdered may have done something to make us angry but the anger is within us. We must ask God to help free us from our anger.

We need to ask the Lord to free us from our sins and for the wisdom and strength we need to resist temptation. It is not easy to overcome evil. God does not give us commandments to burden us. God gives us commandments that are good for us. Here, speaking of God’s commandments, Moses says “Observe the carefully, for thus will you give evidence of your wisdom and intelligence to the nations.” There was a a day when Christian morals and values were taken as the norm for the world. You were seen as a good person if you lived according to God’s commandments. Unfortunately, the world is losing its Christian foundation. This should concern us but there is always hope for nothing is impossible for God. Trust Him Always.

Fr. Terry