Altar Ordinary Time Colours

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30, 2023

Posted : Jul-28-2023

Readings: 1kings 3.5-12, Romans: 8-28-30, Mathew 13.44-52

 King Solomon asks for wisdom in order to be able to guide the people of his kingdom.  The surprise is that King Solomon does not ask for strength, nor for riches, nor for a good life for himself, nor for triumph over his enemies.  Instead, King Solomon seeks wisdom to serve the people.

What do we seek in life?  What do I seek in life personally?  These are natural questions after hearing about King Solomon.  What do I want in life:  Money?  Power?  Control over others?  Relationships?  Triumph over my enemies?  Instead, the Kingdom of God is like a wonderful gift of love for all others and should overcome in us all the desire to have things just for myself or for my loved ones.  Rather, the Kingdom of Heaven pushes me to want to good of the other person and the good of all.

In the letter to the Romans, we discover that “all things work for good for those who love God.”  When we begin to live in God, our way of seeing the world and what happens to us and to others in a new way.  Always we trust that what happens is in the hands of God.  We don’t understand His ways but we understand that He loves us.  God wants to conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.  God will conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.  This is God’s work.  Our work is simply to accept God’s work within us and to allow God to work within us.

God brings about His Kingdom and God will take out of His Kingdom all that does not belong to His Kingdom.  You and I must be purified of all that is in us and which is against the Kingdom.  We should not fear this purification.  Rather we should recognize that purification is necessary so that we can be with God completely and always.  Let us pray for the purification!  Once we see the immense value and joy of the Kingdom, it is all we shall want.

Summer office Hours   (Effective From Monday 31st July to 31st August)

Monday - 9.30am -12.00 noon

Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.30 pm

Wednesday - 9.30am - 12.00 noon

Thursday - 9.30am - 4.30pm

Friday - 9.30am - 4.30pm