Ordinary Time Altar

14th Sunday Ordinary Time

Posted : Jul-01-2022

Readings:Isaiah 66.10-14, Galatians 6.14-18, Luke 10.1-12, 17-20

"Nothing is lost by peace.. Jesus brings peace and leaves us peace"(Pius XII). On this fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary time the Churchy draws our attention the need, and importance of peace in our World. She also reminds us that Christ is the Source of our peace.

One humankind's natural desire is to live a peaceful life. Ordinarily one would expect that with all the scientific discoveries and invention in our world, that humanity would enjoy more peace and harmony. Unfortunately, it has not been so. This is because peace comes from God. So, it must be appreciated, nurtured, and preserved.

In the first reading of today, God in his infinite goodness offers us peace: " Now towards her I send overflowing peace like a river." When we allow this peace to flow into our hearts and guide our lives, we become fulfilled, satisfied, and our communities and entire word become a wonderful place. We are therefore called to be ,messengers, instruments, and agent of this peace. It must flow from, and through us to others.

Unfortunately, most of us today have lost the mark. This is by assuming that peace comes from material or physical wealth. That is , how many cars, houses, how much cloths, or even how much money that one has in his or her account. Peace is the blessed joy of a successful life in the presence o0f the living God. It is the fulness of life in the mutual love of human beings. It is the fullness of life in the community of creation with all other creatures." This can only flow from Jesus Christ the prince of peace.

In the second reading, Paul prays; "Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, who form the Israel of God." This means that peace cokes to our hearts, homes, communities, societies and world when we work in harmony with the will of God. It comes to all who bear the marks of Christ as Paul did. So, we must make room for peace in order that our joy may be complete in Jesus Christ.

In today's gospel, Jesus equips us with the message we must bring to our world: "Peace be with this house." It is a gift we must offer to our world. Jesus know very well that this is what our world needs most, and he is very ready to let us have it. With the peace that Christ offers us, we must be ready to transform our world from the culture of war and hatred to a culture of peace. He invites us to be instruments of his peace. What we must bring to our world is the good news of peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Finally, peace is a precious and golden. Like joy, it is contagious. if we have peace, it must affect others positively. therefore, like Francis of Assisi let us pray: "Lord make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy."