Altar Ordinary Time Colours

10th Sunday Ordinary Time June 9, 2024

Posted : Jun-05-2024

Readings: Genesis 3.8-15, 2Corinthians 4.13-5.1, Mark 3.20-35

Jesus defends himself by asking quite logically: “How can Satan cast out Satan?" "A household divided against itself cannot stand.” But the damage has been done. Mudslingers are not looking for the truth and so many people were beginning to believe the worst about Jesus, that he was not who he said he was. It is at a time like this when people in public life depend most on their loyal followers and the same is true for Jesus. His disciples are the people who know him the best and so are not deceived by the mudslingers. They have made his cause their cause.

And so here Jesus emphasizes that those who believe in him and all that he stands for are as close to him — and in some cases, even closer to him — than some of the members of his own family … in particular those family members who are resistant to his message and even think he has gone crazy. “Who are my mother and my brothers? ... Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” There is plenty of mudslinging going on in our world today. Everywhere we see people, nations and institutions that seek to promote themselves unfairly at someone else’s expense. We have become so used to being manipulated by fake news and outrageous distortions that we now have a hard time recognizing the truth when we hear it, especially when that truth is difficult and requires a change in our behavior and attitudes.

And this is not limited to politics. This can occur within families, within schools, within any human organization. Whenever someone looks not for the truth but rather only for things to be used against their opponent. As Christians we are called to be witnesses for the truth and to stand up for what is right, even when this is unpopular or inconvenient. Even when we don’t particularly like the person or group that we are defending. In this way we become Jesus’ brothers and sisters. Jesus is the truth and he says, "whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.”

 Fr. Terry.