Most Holy Trinity


Posted : May-28-2021

Readings: Deuteronomy 4.32-34, 39-40

Romans 8.14-17

Mathew 28.16-20

Today we celebrate one of the greatest mystery of our Christian faith, the Holy Trinity. This celebration reminds us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are working together. They are never separated, though, each one of them is a distinct divine person. There’s unity of essence and relation within the three divine persons.

In our first reading, Moses reminds us, of the wonderful and mysterious nature of the works of God. In other words, that it takes a loving and mysterious God to accomplish such a wonderful and mysterious task of salvation. Hence, he encourages us to strengthen our faith in God by simply obeying his commandments.

In the second reading, though without offering any systematic teaching on the Holy Trinity, Paul presents the three divine persons in their concrete forms and actions.

In today’s Gospel, Christ himself revealed the mystery of the three divine persons to us. He revealed this with a mandate.” Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This is the trinitarian formula. So, any sincere prayer offered in the name of the Holy Trinity bears a mark of excellence.

Today the Church reminds us that the three divine persons are not divided in their actions of grace. Instead, they work and walk together. They have the same mission, which is, the salvation of the world. The Father sent the Son to refer the world. And the Father and the Son sent us the Holy Spirit as our counselor and Advocate. None of them have absolute dominance of a particular period or time. This is because, in spite of being three distinct persons, they have one essence. They are eternally one and united.

So, the prayer of Christ to the Father; “ May they be one, as we are One” is a prayer that arises from Trinidadian love. Therefore, the whole Church, and each family that forms the universal Church is the Sacrament of the Trinity, and as such must be characterized by love and unity.

Therefore, what we celebrate today is a model for our unity. We have many lessons to learn from the Holy Trinity, we can live and work together as one family of God. This is because, we bear one and same image of God, and were baptized by the same Spirit of God whose mark we bear, in spite of our individual personalities and differences unity is possible and a fundamental option.

Hence, today’s celebration has much to teach us about unity in our relationships, friendships, marriages, families, communities. It also reminds us that in spite of our different talents, gifts, social,  and economic levels, we can live and work together for our salvation and our salvation of the world.

Finally, the celebration of the Holy Trinity reminds us that if we remain united, our different personalities would become our strength, rather than our weakness or the cause of our disintegration. For their love and unity, let us praise the Most Holy Trinity: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, Amen.