Altar Ordinary Time Colours

Transfiguration of the Lord

Posted : Aug-05-2023

Readings: Daniel 7.9-10,13-14, 2Peter 1.16-19, Mathew 17.1-9

Transfiguration means change and not just regular change but significant change. The word means a change in the figure but more technically it means incredible positive change. The description of the kingdom of heaven has been the theme of the Gospels since the last three Sundays. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord seems to be the last in the series but with a deeper and more involving description the Kingdom of heaven.

From the premise above, we can say that the kingdom of God is beautiful, glorious, and comforting. However, before we get there, we need to ascend the mountain. Mountain climbing is not an easy exercise as it requires resilience, commitment, and discipline. To get to the mountaintop, one would need to drop one’s baggage at the foot of the mountain. Dropping our baggage entails disengaging from the distractions of the lower region to advance to the upper area. It involves change and profound change as such. It requires disengagement from sin.

The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ is a divine facility at our service; it is also our transfiguration. The Transfiguration is a call for us to rise from our preoccupation with lowly things while striving and longing for higher values. The Transfiguration encourages us to rise from the base to the tops. In life, we grow by changing. Those who do not grow are those who refuse to change. But those who embrace positive change improve, obtain new values, opportunities and new beginnings. As we celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ may we strive daily to respond to the invitation to change by ascending to the mountain with the Lord for a better and more resplendent life. May we also accept the instruction of God the Father to listen to His Beloved Son who is pleasing to Him.


Dear people of God, Coming weekend we are celebrating the feast of our Parish Patron saint. St. Dominic. All the masses on the weekends will be celebrated in honor of St. Dominic. The solemn festal mass will be celebrated @11.30am. By Rev. Bishop John Boissonneau.  Please, join us to celebrate the feast, by seeking the intercession of Our Patron Saint, St. Dominic. Let us remain united as a vibrant faith filled community. You are most welcome to donate flowers to decorate the altar.  Thank you!

Fr. Terry

Celebration of the Solemnity of St. Michael & Conferral of the Pallium upon the Most Rev. Francis Leo

Friday, September 29, 2023 – 5:30 p.m. – St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica

The Archdiocese of Toronto celebrates the feast day of our archdiocesan patron, St. Michael, on Friday, September 29, 2023. All are welcome to join in a special celebration on that day at 5:30 p.m. at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica (65 Bond St.). Archbishop Francis Leo will celebrate Mass, with music from the world-renowned St. Michael’s Choir School. As part of the celebration, the Apostolic Nuncio to Canada, the Most Rev. Ivan Jurkovič will confer the pallium on our Archbishop, a symbol of his role as Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto and shepherd to the faithful.

Following Mass, there will be an informal reception with light refreshments in the St. Michael’s Cathedral atrium and courtyard. Seating will be first come, first served. All are welcome to join in this special celebration for our archdiocese and archbishop!