Baby Jesus front of Altar


Posted : Dec-31-2021

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 27, 2022

Readings: Isaiah 60.1-6, Ephesians 3.2-3a, 5-6, Mathew 2.1-12

Today we celebrate the solemnity of Epiphany, and in a most special day of the three kings who brought Jesus very costly and symbolic gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. Epiphany celebrates the many ways through which Jesus has revealed himself to us and our world. These include the three events that bring to light his mission and divinity; the visitation of the three kings or Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle at Cana.

So, today God reveals himself to us because he is good and loving. The light shines forth upon today is the light of life from which we ourselves must get our own light and reflect unto others. Today, Christ further demonstrates the extent of his love by allowing himself to illumine the darkness of our lives. The lesson of all these is that we must also make our lives better and allow the goodness that flows from us to help and illuminate the ways and lives of others. We must shine our light so that others can see withy iot, as Christ illuminated our way and life this New year with his own light, life, divine presences and counsel.

Today's gospel from Mathew is about the vastation of the three wise kings. They came to adore and offer gifts to the newborn king, Jesus Christ. This gospel has lots of lessons for us. First, the three kings offered a genuine worship to Christ, the kings. So, worship must be sincerer like theirs, It must not be like the false proposal of King Herod.

Second, we must be ready to offer Jesus something. We must not appear before the Lord empty handed. So, we must ask ourselves today, what will I offer the Lord for his goodness to me? The best gift we offer to God is the gift of oneself, the gift of love, the gift of obedience, the gift of humility , the gift of sacrifice. Also, we must learn to be generous to others as the three wise kings were to Jesus.

Children, as you expect gifts from your parents today, try to be generous to others too, especially, towards your parents, let us also be generous towards our children today and always, by giving them gifts as the wise kings gave to Jesus. Another lesson that we must learn from the wise kings is that we must continue to follow the star and light that Christ shows us.  That is, we must not allow ourselves to be distracted on our journey by the many Herod’s of this world.

Trusting that God will not mislead us, we must continue to watch out for the star and light of Christ that will guide us to eternity. Any time we are confused, or come to the crossroad of life, we must seek and wait until the star of Christ appears to show us the way we must follow. This simply that we may refer to as divine guidance and counsellor in our lives. Today, we must ask God as the church prays: Father, guide us with your light. Help us to recognize Christ in the Eucharist, and welcome him wi8th love, for He is Lord forever and ever, Amen