Ordinary Time Altar

17th Sunday Ordinary Time

Posted : Jul-23-2022

Readings: Genesis 18.20-32, Colossians 2.12-14, Luke 11.1-13
Perseverance in prayer! Keep asking God for all you need! God hears us and answers us if we keep pestering Him. Both the first reading and the Gospel today insist that God will hear our prayers id we just keep asking . There are always number of holy people in the world and because of their prayers, the world goes on and God does not destroy it. The challenge is for you and fo0r me: are willing to give our lives for the salvation of the world? Are we willing to lives of intercession for others, even when there seems to much evil in our world? Are we willing to follow the way of the Lord?
We are given new life in such a way that we live in Christ and our sins and transgression are forgiven and we are given life. this is only experienced at a spiritual or mystical level but we can know that it is true when we try to live for the Lord. So many of us have had this experience of living in sin and then sensing a freedom. this is not about a psychological shift. It is a spiritual change that is a gift of grace within us. Even when we fail and fall again, Christ is there to draw us into His life.
The Gospel of Luke today contains a version of the "Our Father," and then mo9ves on to tell us: keep on insisting with God, keep asking until God responds. In order to do this, of course we have to want something intensely enough that we are willing to insist with God. Lots of us want things but not enough to ask God for them. Lots of us suffer, but are uneasy about asking God to help us in our sufferings. Lots of us find sinfulness in ourselves but we are not entirely convinced yet that we want to be free of it.
Jesus instead invites to look at our lives and decide what we want, what i truly good for us: then ask and ask and ask. God will give it to us if we persevere in asking for the good.
May we know what we truly need in our lives, and have the courage to ask for it until we receive it.