Advent through Christmas

Third Sunday of Advent - Gaudate Sunday

Posted : Dec-07-2022

Readings: Isaiah 35.1-6a,10, James 5.7-10, Mathew 11.2-11

Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudate Sunday, meaning Sunday of joy. The joy we are talking about is not “feeling good” because of possession of worldly things. One can lack material things and still filled with joy. One may be encountering certain deprivations of life yet filled with joy. One can be physically sick but filled with joy. One can be physically challenged but filled with joy and even more joyful that those physically whole. One can have all worldly possessions but has no joy. What therefore is this joy? It is what Nehemiah the prophet calls the joy of the Lord which is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). It is joy from above. This joy is the gladness of heart that comes from knowing God and surrendering to him, knowing Jesus and trusting and abiding in him, and being guided by the inspiration and promptings of the Holy Spirit. This implies that the individual is spiritually alive and sound. Despite all afflictions of life and against all odds, the individual remains steadfast, endures and unshakable in his or her faith.

In John 16:22 Jesus tells his disciples, “So you also are now in anguish. But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.” Believe Jesus when he says, “I will see you again.” What is it that has taken your joy from you, write it down in a piece of paper and drop it in the intention box and say to Jesus: this is it: Jesus see my blindness, see my lameness, see my leprosy, see my deafness, see my death, see my bad news, see my prison.

Strengthen my hands that are feeble, my knees that are weak and my heart that is frightened. Restore your joy again in my life, in my family, in my marriage, in my workplace, in my engagement, in my future. May your joy be my strength. Amen

 Fr. Terry