Epiphany of the Lord

The Epiphany of the Lord

Posted : Jan-04-2023




Readings: Isaiah 60.1-6, Ephesians 3.2-3a, 5-6, Mathew 2.1-12

The feast of the Epiphany is the manifestation of God to us. It is another Christmas story, a Christ birth event. At a certain moment in world history, for the purpose of saving us God decided to reveal Himself to us by being one with us. It was an act which touched all hearts. There were many other ways to save us. God chose the most personal and poignant way. Only a heart made of stone could not be moved or affected by it.

We have been more than a week into the Christmas season. Many of us had celebrated many Christmases. How had these celebrations changed us or made us better Christians? Was God’s personal visit in the person of Jesus fruitful? Remember that it was not only a visit by birth. Jesus lives with us. He preached and did a lot of miracles. Later, He was arrested and crucified to death. He gave His life for us! Our prayers and reflection should reveal to us the full import of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. His saving act was the ultimate Show of God’s love and mercy.

Have you seen the Lord who manifested Himself to us? Have you met Him? We have no more reason to be blind and ignore God’s presence. Let us go to meet Him like the magi. It does matter where we are physically or spiritually. Jesus was born to be available for all of us. He welcomes sinners. He welcomes everyone who wanted to see, hear, touch, and smell Him! He became man and manifested Himself so we can have a meaningful and personal encounter with Him. Find Him!

                                                                                                             Fr. Terry