Advent through Christmas

Gaudete Sunday

Posted : Dec-11-2021

Readings: Zephaniah 3.14-18a, Philippians 4.4-7, Luke 3.10-18

Mother Teresa of Calcutta brought untold blessings and joy to the poor who lay unattended and forgotten on the streets of Calcutta. When she was aske what was the source of her Joy. Mother Teresa replied Joy is prayer, Joy is strength, Joy is love and Joy is a net of love.

A joyful heart is the normal result of a heart burning with love, loving as he loves, helping as He helps, giving as He gives, serving as He serves, being with Him 24 hours, touching him in his distressing disguise. When advent arrived every year Mother Teresa’s life continued to witness His joy, which is the true hallmark of every Christian and the rightful inheritance of all the poor.

This Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete or joyful Sunday because today, mass begins with the opening antiphon “rejoice in the Lord always. It reminds us that we are preparing for the very joyful occasion of the birth of Jesus. The priests may wear rose vestments, and the rose candle in the Advent wreath is lit today. The responsorial psalm from Mary’s Magnificat exclaims’ My soul rejoices in my God my savior. And the Second reading from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he encourages the Christians to rejoice always by leading blameless, holy and thankful lives guided by the Holy Spirit.

This Sunday of Advent is an invitation to bear witness to Christ and His light. Our mission as brothers and sisters of Christ and members of His Church, is to reflect on sharing Christ’s love and unconditional forgiveness through our lives.

There are so many people who live in darkness, fear and poverty, who lack real freedom because of their bad addictions and poor choices. There are others who are blinded by cheap attractions and become slaves in this world. Many feel lonely, unwanted, rejected and marginalized.

We may be able to find victims of this kind in and around us and may be under the same roof where you and I live. We are called to bring glad tidings of joy and the true light of Christ by illumining the lives of these brothers and sisters during this season of Advent.