Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022
Jesus the good shepherd presents us wit an image of compassion, love and care, a person in whom we can trust and have confidence. We have the choice to listen to his voice as found in the living words of the scriptures and church tradition or to go our own way. When we place our trust in his love and accept the Gospel, we are promised both the gift of eternal life and protection from the forces of evil. We can rest secure on the shoulders of the shepherd who will carry us to safety. A watchful image of heaven is presented to us in the book of revelations. In the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city, the lamb of God is enthroned and lights up yeh city. A majestic choir sings in front of the lamb, the great communion of saints who have been proved worthy by following his way. The Lanb leads them to springs of living water and eternal life. What about us we are invited to listen to the voice of the shepherd. Jesus Christ through a living relationship of listening to his word and prayer. Sadly our age makes it difficult to listen; we are easily distracted and eager to get on with the next task. We need to listen and to pray. Nothing is greater than the Father’s love for us-we are moved to renew our trust in this tremendous revelation. The image of Jesus carrying us on his shoulders is both our comfort and our strength. We journey towards heaven as pilgrims with no abiding city on earth, confident that our homeland is in heaven. The scene of the New Jerusalem reminds us that Jesus the living water nourishes us. He nourishes and feeds us by his word and the Eucharist. Indeed how good is the lord, eternal his merciful love. He’s faithful from age to age.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” May God bless all the mothers.