Altar Ordinary Time Colours


Posted : Feb-05-2022


Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 27, 2022

Readings: Isiah 6,1-8, 1 Corinthians 15,1-11, Luke 5, 1-11

A close look at all our readings today reveals one common phenomenon. This is the feeling and expression unworthiness by all the personalities(Isiah, Peter and Paul). Truly speaking and given fact that they are human beings, they were not worthy for God's mission. This is why thy scripture tells us that : There is none as holy as the Lord..

They acknowledged their unworthiness, weaknesses and vulnerabilities before God. They acknowledged the fact that they were not worthy to bear the sacred message 'God. Somehow, their feelings and humility were indirect means of drawing God's attention to the fact that they needed his grace, and blessing in order to succeed. Of course, God knew all these before choosing them. It did not matter to Him whether they were weak or strong. God is simply the one who sanctifies and makes us Worthy for his work. Christ knew Peter was not worthy, Yet He went for him. He chose him in spite of his unworthiness and made him worthy for the mission. From the lives and excuses of these the figures today, we must learn that it is the grace of God that makes us worthy for His mission and not only our "special qualities or experiences." They matter but, are limited.

This is the fact that, there will always millions of reasons to try to dodge the call of God., there will always be millions of reasons, not to help the poor, feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick , visit the imprisoned, bury the dead. There will be millions of reasons not to attend masses, not to pray the rosary, not to go for confession when we need it, not to visit Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. There will always be reasons not to be able to take care of my wife, my husband, my children and my neighbors. Too many reasons my dear friend! However, God will not relent until we do his will, because he has an adequate response for every reason that we give.

Finally,  when we feel so unworthy of our call that we can hardly do anything for the sake of the Gospel. Rightly, we should feel so perhaps because of or inadequacies and fear. However, we should realize that it is God who cleanses us of our sins ad makes us worthy to be his messengers. Therefore, we are not to be afraid. Rather, we should be docile to the spirit of Jesus Christ. He makes only those who are available worthy and capable for his mission. If we are ready to say like Isaiah: Here I am. lord send me." Christ is also ready to make us "fishers of men."