SD Christmas 2023

Christmas December 25, 2023

Posted : Dec-22-2023

SD Christmas 2023

Readings: Is 52:7-10; Heb 1:1-6; John 1:1-18

Today, revelation has reached its climax. The hidden mystery of the old covenant has been revealed in the Word made flesh. Therefore, we need no further revelation because God himself has revealed himself fully in Christ, the radiant light of the father’s glory.

What we celebrate today is love because: “…God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son (Jn 3: 16). We must be ready to share this love. God sent Christ out of love. Christ accepted to come to us because of his love for us. Also, Mary and Joseph cooperated with God to bring Christ into the world due to their love for humanity.

Today, we celebrate sacrifice.  So, we, too, must be ready to sacrifice something for the good of our brothers and sisters as Christ did by leaving his heavenly throne to be with us. Today, we celebrate humility. We must learn humility from Christ, who, though was rich, became poor for our sake. Yes, he was born in the lowliest place, the manager.

Finally, today, we celebrate the reign of peace because the prince of peace is with us. Today, we celebrate hope because Christ’s birth is the hope of our salvation. Today is a day of joy. Therefore, let us: “Sing psalms to the Lord with harp, with the sound of music, with trumpets and the sound of the horn, let us acclaim the King and the Lord,” who is with us.