Ordinary Time Altar

32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Posted : Nov-04-2022

Readings: 2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5, Luke 20:27-38

 The Second Book of Maccabees gives us an account of what happens when a faith is persecuted. We need not think that we Christians are the only ones persecuted, even today. There are places in the world where Jews are still persecuted, places where Muslims are persecuted, places where Buddhists are persecuted and places where we Christians are persecuted. The challenge for all of us is to remain faithful to the truth that we have discovered in our lives and to listen to the truth of others without fear. It is so often fear of others and a fear of another way of looking at life that brings about persecution.

The Second Letter to the Thessalonians begins to speak about the faithfulness of Christ, who is always present for us, watching over us with love, seeking to help us. Our challenge is to respond to that love. Especially if we are ever persecuted or misunderstood, we need to have confidence that Christ knows us as we really are and is present with us in every circumstance, helping us in His own divine way.

The Gospel of Saint Luke talks about heaven and what heaven will be like. It also deals with a misinterpretation of heaven and the afterlife. All of the teachings today are preparing us for the end of the world and for our own death at the end of our life. Consistently in the Scriptures we find an awareness that our own lives will end one day and we shall meet the Lord. There is also a consistent awareness that the world as we know it is passing away and at some point, there will be an end to the world.

None of this is meant to scare us but to prepare us. We are meant to be aware that we are now choosing the meaning of our own lives. We want to be choosing values and realities that will last forever because all other values and realities will disappear. We want to be choosing to follow the Lord Jesus because it is He who invites us to share life eternal. We want our lives to be transformed as much as possible now so that we are prepared for the joys of heaven.  Let us be faithful. Let us live our faith. Let us live always in love.


We sincerely thank everyone of you, for actively participating in the "Ministry Fair" and responding positively by volunteering to serve in the different ministries functional in our parish. We are excited and look forward to working with you, to make our faith community Vibrant and alive in Christ Jesus.


                                                                                                             Fr. Terry