30th Sunday Ordinary Time October 24, 2021


Posted : Oct-23-2021

Reading: Jermiah 31.7-9, Hebrews 5.1-6, Mark 10.46-52

Our first reading this Sunday is a radical articulation of hope, as the basis for liberation and survival. Hence, we find images of restoration, and renewal. Exiled, the Israelites was weak and helpless. However, redemption and peace came from God.

Our second reading reminds us of the role of the priest. Every true priest shares in the priesthood of Christ, the high priest. A priest mediates for the people and helps strengthen their faith. "Every high priest was chosen from among humans.. so, he can understand and sympathize with those who are ignorant and rejected.

Hence, during the anniversary of his episcopal ordination Saint Augustine wrote:" I am a priest, and with you, I am a Christian.. Help me by your prayers and obedience to carry out these many serious, and varied duties..".

So, as a human being "who lives within thy limitations of weakness," the priest must pray for himself. Most importantly, his community must always pray for him. As Christians, we must constantly turn to Christ our High Priest for help.

The blind Bartimaeus in the Gospel represents our collective situation that is constantly yearning for healing and liberation from weakness, sickness, poverty and sin. Our blindness might not necessarily be the physical loss of vision. However, it could be whatever that limits and prevents us from reaching, or maximizing our potentials in life.

To be free from these limitations, first, we must humbly acknowledge that they exist. second, it is interesting to note that, Bartimaeus din not believe because he was cured. Rather, he was cured because he believed, and humbly cried out for help. So, seeing his faith, Christ said to him: "Your faith has cured you."

there is simple saying that:" if you are not tired of praying, God is not tired of listening to you." The good news today is that, Christ our high priest is always ready to hear, heal and liberate us from whatever is limiting us in life. He wants us to see again. to see again, is to have a living faith in Christ, our high priest who mediates for us before the Father. Let us call out to him: "Jesus Son of David have mercy on me..!