Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11
The reading from the Prophet Isaiah today tells us that God cannot be silent any longer. God loves His bride, the Church, the people redeemed by His Son. God wants to rejoice in His people and wants His people to rejoice in Him. It is true that most of us have not seen a miracle such as this one. It is just as true that there are miracles as great as this happening even in our down day.
The miracle is not just changing water into wine, the miracle is also that Jesus helps others. The water into wine miracle just is the way that Jesus helps in this situation. The miracle is impressive, so also is the help to the newly married couple and their families. Jesus is always willing to help, even when a miracle is not required. Am I willing to help others when they need me? Am I willing to give my time and my energy to helping others when it has no benefit for me?
The First Letter to the Corinthians, from which the second reading is taken today, continues this same message. Each of us has gifts and we are to use them to build up the body of Christ, to benefit others. Perhaps we think that our gifts are negligible. Perhaps we think that others have better or more important gifts than ours. That does not matter, whatever we are given, we given to use for others.
Today as we remember the Wedding Feast of Cana and the first of the great signs of Jesus, we can also deepen our awareness that life is to be given away for others, that our gifts are not to bring glory to us but to the Lord. If we live this mystery of the Epiphany, the manifestation of God in the ordinary human reality, we will appreciate so much more that giving to others, loving others, I the heart of loving God and living in Jesus. May our understanding allow our lives to manifest the Lord in this New Year.
Fr. Terry.