Ordinary Time Altar

24th Sunday Ordinary Time

Posted : Sep-09-2022

Readings: Exodus 32.7-11,13-14, 1Timothy 1.12-17, Luke 15.1-32                                                                                      

Today, the church offers us another golden opportunity to reflect on God’s mercy and compassion. One important fact that runs through all the readings of this Sunday is the readiness of God to welcome and receive us irrespective of how much we have fallen  and gone away from Him.

A very important lesson we learn from the first reading is, the power of intercession both for ourselves and for others. Like Moses, the Christ we celebrate today, relentlessly continues to intercede for us every day. This is especially at the sacrifice of the Holy mass. So, we must not be tired of interceding for one another and for our world before our merciful and compassionate Lord. So, we must approach Him in prayers always, reminding him of his promises as Moses did.

In the second reading Paul reminds us that, like himself, we are products of God’s mercy. In this reading Paul recounted how his salvation was made possible through the intercession and mercy of Christ. Hence, like Paul, let us take advantage of this same saving mercy of God for our salvation. Let us also be grateful to Him , who shows us mercy through Christ.

In today’s Gospel, Christ was accused of welcoming sinners. Through his actions and parables, He demonstrated how merciful and compassionate towards us. In spite of our sins and stubbornness, Christ is willing to welcome us back to himself. Each day  He beckons us; “Come let us settle the matter, even though your sins are as red as crimson,you shall be as white as snow.” Through his merciful and compassionate heart, He is ready to make all things new for us again. It doesn’t matter what it  will cost Him.

So, like the prodigal son, it is time to accept this invitation. It is time to return to the merciful and compassionate Lord whose mercy surpasses his judgment and wrath. God has made our return very easy through Jesus Christ. So all we need is to realize ourselves. Sincerely, and humbly we must make a very important decision like the prodigal Son: “I will leave this place and go back to my father “. We must not be ashamed to return to God our father because: “His steadfast love never ceases, and His mercy never comes to an end. They are new every morning, and great is his faithfulness".