Readings: 1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23 1 Corinthians 15:45-49 Luke 6:27-38
Love your enemy! We Christians have become so used to hearing these words that it is truly difficult...
Readings: Jeremiah 17:5-8; First Corinthians 15:12,16-20; Luke 6:17, 20-26
The word beatitude literally means happiness. The way of happiness that Jesus outlines calls for a transformation from within, a conversion of life. That...
Readings: Isaiah 6:1-9a, 3-8 1Cor 15:1-11 Lk 5:1-11
Many times we hear people when they are challenged to serve the Church, their immediate reactions are: ‘I am not...
Readings: Mal 3:1-4 Heb 2:1-14-18 Lk 2:22-40
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is an ancient celebration in the Church. It is also called Candlemas because, on this...
Readings: Nehemiah 8:2-6, 8-10; First Corinthians 12:12-30; Luke: 1:1-4, 4:14-21
Today, Jesus presents his mission. This is, the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 61: “The Spirit of the Lord...
Readings: Isaiah 62:1-5 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 John 2:1-11
The reading from the Prophet Isaiah today tells us that God cannot be silent any longer. God loves His bride, the Church, the people...
Readings: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11 Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
The Book of the Prophet Isaiah is called the Book of Consolation. It is placed here today because the...
Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6 Matthew 2:1-12
On the Solemnity of Epiphany, the Church calls us to contemplate and to celebrate the mystery and significance of the birth of Jesus the...
Readings: Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6 Matthew 2:1-12
On the Solemnity of Epiphany, the Church calls us to contemplate and to celebrate the mystery and significance of the birth of Jesus the...
Readings: 1Samuel 1.20-22, 24-28 1 John 3.1-2, 21-24 Luke 2.41-52
Sometimes when we think of "family" we picture a mother and father and two or three small children - a quiet, compact...
Readings: Micah 5.2-5a Hebrews 10.5-10 Luke 1.39-45
On this the last Sunday before Christmas,
our Gospel reading prepares us to witness Christ's birth by showing us how Jesus was recognized...
Readings: Zephaniah 3:14-18a Philippians 4:4-7 Luke 3:10-1
Today is the third Sunday of Advent popularly known as “Gaudete Sunday.” The term Gaudete simply means “to rejoice.” This Advent...
Readings: Baruch 5:1-9 Philippians 1:3-6, 8-11 Luke 3:1-6
The word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness; and he went into all the region about...
Readings: Jer 33:14-16 1 Thes 3:12—4:2 Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
God tells Jeremiah, “I will fulfill the promise I made.” Paul addresses the Thessalonians, “Strengthen...
Readings: Daniel 12:1-3 Hebrews 10:11-14, 18 Mark 13:24-32
Although we do not generally spend a lot of time thinking about the end of the world or about what will happen when the...
Readings: 1Kings 17.10-16 Hebrews 9.24-28 Mark 12.38-44
Today’s readings showcase two widows as examples of extraordinary generosity. for they give, not from their abundance, but all the meagre means they...
Readings: Dt 6, 2-6 Heb 7, 23-28 Mk 12, 28-34
“Hear, O Israel! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul.” Then, he amplified...
Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-9 Hebrews 5:1-6 Mark 10:46-52
Master, I want to see! What a wonderful request to make of our Lord. I want to see can be the theme for this Sunday. I want...
Readings: Isaiah 53.10-11 Hebrews 4.14-16 Mark 10.35-45
Jesus, clearly said that he came to do the Father’s will, and this thought stayed with him, even when it led...